A Community in Pain Builds for the Future
A growth in anti-Asian racism during the COVID-19 pandemic has shined a stark spotlight on what has been a long history of inequity and discrimination. Now, Asian leaders are coming together to galvanize the community and invest in its future.

A Conversation with Paul Lee
Paul Lee, a longtime member of The Boston Foundation Board of Directors, was born in Boston's Chinatown and has spent his life working to improve the lives of Asian Americans in the city and region. He sits down to talk about his philanthropy and the beginnings of the Asian Community Fund.

The COVID Crisis a Year Later: On the Ground in Chelsea and East Boston
More than a year after the start of the pandemic, community leaders like Gladys Vega and Rita Lara are working to ensure a more equitable recovery in the Latino communities hardest hit by the coronavirus.

Giving Voice to the Abolitionists: An Anonymous Donor Helps to Resurrect History
The Boston Public Library brings the powerful words of 19th-century abolitionists to life, through a innovative partnership with Artists for Humanity and Boston Arts Academy. A Boston Foundation donor's investment made it all possible.

Getting Boston Students Moving After a Year of Remote Learning
The Boston Foundation launches a month-long partnership with youth activity partners to get students to run jump and play after a long year of pandemic learning. Learn more about what it takes to get Boston Back in Motion.
Featured events:
Explore highlighted recent live and online events hosted by the Foundation and its partners.
Seizing the Moment: Proposals for a Just and Equitable Recovery
April 14, 2021
Boston Indicators has been releasing policy briefs through its new Seizing the Moment project. Written by a range of community leaders, the briefs present concrete ideas for advancing equity and justice as we emerge from the pandemic.
Thematically Related Event:
Chelsea 2021 and Beyond: Toward a Just and Equitable Recovery
March 16, 2021
Mobilizing for Opportunity: Connecting Low-Income College Students to Internships and Good First Jobs
March 11, 2021
Researchers shared report findings that suggest BPS grads may not be getting the guidance they need or the pre-career training they could use to set them up for “good first jobs” and further success. Panelists agreed: A college education is one of the largest investments most people make in their lives, and because so many families sacrifice to make that investment, it should not be wasted.
Learning from Place: Placemaking and Philanthropy in a Pandemic
February 24, 2021
Over the past two years, the Boston Foundation conducted an ambitious equitable placemaking initiative that invested in the shared places of communities. Called the Place Leadership Network, it convened and strengthened a field of place-based leaders across the region. At this forum, community leaders shared learnings about investing in place and advancing spatial justice.
You can find a full archive of Boston Foundation events, and register for upcoming events by visiting tbf.org/events.
Building a Better Democracy Through Civic Engagement
January 22, 2021
Understanding the connection between gaps in civics education and gaps in civil behavior— so clearly displayed early in January—inspired the Boston Foundation to partner with the Tisch School of Civic Life at Tufts University for a forum to highlight research about how to integrate civics education in our public schools.
Orientation to The Boston Foundation Racial Equity Capacity Builders Directory
January 14, 2021
The Boston Foundation released the Racial Equity Capacity Builders Directory, a compilation of individuals and organizations that provide consulting and training services to Greater Boston nonprofits seeking to advance racial equity within their organizations.
Thematically Related Event:
Unleashing the Potential of Entrepreneurs of Color in Massachusetts
March 30, 2021
The Impact of COVID-19 on Child Care in Boston
November 17, 2020
The Boston Opportunity Agenda and the Boston Birth to Eight Collaborative released a report titled Boston’s Child-Care Supply Crisis: What a Pandemic Reveals, which documents how the child-care and early childhood education sector is taking a body blow from the pandemic.
Thematically Related Event:
Vaccine Hesitancy: A Conversation for Early Education
Leaders, Providers, Funders and Community Members
March 12, 2021