IT Jobs for All?

Understanding the Challenges and Opportunities of Meeting the IT/Tech Workforce Demands of Greater Boston

  SkillWorks ICT Report cover
  Download the report Information and Communication Technology: Shared Prosperity in the Digital Age.
This forum is the first in a series of three that will mark the beginning of a greater dialogue on how to narrow skill gaps, increase diversity, and provide greater opportunities in Information Communication Technology (ICT) for all Massachusetts residents. We’ll need to address difficult issues, including racial segregation, gender stereotypes, access to college, outdated state and federal policies, and social biases. To succeed, we need an authentic dialogue with all voices present. Together, we can build upon the Bay State’s existing success in ICT and expand the pipeline of talent to the benefit of our businesses, communities, and residents.

Download a PDF of the slide presentation from the forum.

Download a PDF of the forum agenda and speaker biographies.

Visit the SkillWorks website.

The Forum participants:

W e l c o m i n g  R e m a r k s

Paul S. Grogan, President & CEO, The Boston Foundation 

G u e s t  S p e a k e r s

Philip Jordan, Executive Director, Economic Advancement Research Institute

Sarah Ayers Steinberg, Vice President, Global Philanthropy at JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Luther Jackson, Program Manager, TechLadder at NOVA Workforce Board

Melissa James, Founder and CEO, Tech Connection

Reinier Moquete, CEO and Managing Partner, Advoqt, Founder, Latino STEM Alliance

Trish Torizzo, Div. CIO, Enterprise & Analytics, Charles River Laboratories


For more context, the blog post can be found here.

For more information, visit the SkillWorks Research and Publications page on its website.

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