How Boston and Other American Cities Support and Sustain the Arts Funding for Cultural Nonprofits in Boston and 10 Other Metropolitan Centers

Arts Report 2016 coverAt this January 21, 2016 Understanding Boston forum a new study commissioned by the Boston Foundation on how Boston and comparable cities support the arts was released and discussed. The study reflects earned income and contributed support, including funding from individuals, foundations, corporations and local government, and compares funding for the Boston area's nonprofit cultural organizations with 10 other American cities.  The study shows that only New York City has higher per capita contributed revenue for the art than Boston. However, the study also shows that Boston's arts organizations receive the least government funding per capita among the comparison cities and that Boston has relatively few foundations making grants to the arts. And what funding is available skews toward larger arts and culture organizations in this region.

The report revisits a topic first explored in a 2003 Understanding Boston report titled, Funding for Cultural Organizations in Boston and Nine Other Metropolitan Areas, also researched and written by TDC.

Paul S. Grogan, President & CEO, The Boston Foundation

Presentation of Report
Juliana Koo, Vice President, TDC

Panel Moderator
Allyson Esposito, Director, Arts & Culture, The Boston Foundation  

Sam Aquillano, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Design Museum Foundation
Julie Burros, Chief of Arts and Culture, City of Boston
David C. Howse, Associate Vice President & Managing Director, ArtsEmerson
Matt Wilson, Executive Director, MASSCreative

Read the press release for the event.