Greenhouse Schools in Boston: School Leadership Practices Across a High-Performing Charter Sector

Greenhouse Schools coverBoston's public charter school sector has received national attention for its strong student outcomes. Independent studies have found that Boston charter school students, on the whole, are learning at much faster rates than their peers in charter schools across the country, as well as students in local district schools, even as the Boston Public Schools remains one of the highest performing urban districts in the country. What's happening in Boston's charter schools to make them so effective? A new report from TNTP (formerly The New Teacher Project) examines a set of specific school leadership practices that cultivate environments that promote quality instruction. The forum examines these practices and how more schools can adopt them.

Download a PDF of Greenhouse Schools in Boston.

The forum program included:


Mary Jo Meisner, Vice President for Communications, Community Relations and Public Affairs, The Boston Foundation

Report Presentation

Melissa Wu, Partner, TNTP

Panel Moderator

Elizabeth Pauley, Senior Director, Education to Career, The Boston Foundation


Caleb Dolan, Executive Director, KIPP: MA

Orin Gutlerner, Director, Match Teacher Residency & Co-Director, Sposato Graduate

School of Education

Lindsay Sobel, Executive Director, TeachPlus Massachusetts

Ross Wilson, Assistant Superintendent, Office of Human Capital, Boston Public Schools