There at the Beginning: Greater Boston Interfaith Organization

TBF News Winter 2019

GBIO TBF News Winter 19

In 1997, when Boston-area clergy and other leaders began thinking about ways to unite religious congregations and disparate groups in action on behalf of the common good, the Boston Foundation was there with a $20,000 planning grant.

The next year, the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization (GBIO) was founded.

Today, GBIO is an organization of 50 religious congregations. With more than $400,000 in Boston Foundation support since then, as well as grants from other foundations and donations, the GBIO has played a major role in: advocating for affordable housing through the Affordable Housing Trust; lowering health-care costs and working for health-care reform; and collaborating with the City of Boston, Roxbury Presbyterian Church and Trinity Church to build Dearborn STEM Academy, the first 6 – 12  science, technology, engineering and mathematics school in the City of Boston.

GBIO logo


The Boston Foundation has been There at the Beginning with critical early funding for more than 100 great ideas and new nonprofits.